

Why schools groups:

A decreasing number of secondary schools have Christian groups in them. Christians youth are also facing increasing social discrimination and pressure – sometimes being negatively judged due to religious stereotypes given by our media. In this environment it’s important that Christian youth are encouraged and helped to stand together. They should never have to deny their faiths to be accepted or fit in. They also carry a message of hope that is very much needed in this social climate. Let’s get Christian school groups happening again – and lets’ do this in a way that’s clear thinking, respectful and fun!

The core resource:

We will eventually create some ‘school groups training’ videos – just like the ‘equipping’ and ‘youth leadership’ ones already found at this website.

The suggested ethos for school groups:

We suggest that groups areL

(i) Student led, and adult encouraged

(ii) 90% focused on blessing the school / students / teachers, while only 10% about the Christian message — because our message and words need to match (and these efforts are often a bridge to conversation, rather than being the place where the full conversation takes place).

The suggested approach:

(i) Partner — with other students of like mind

(ii) Pray – about what you could do

(iii) Action – do it

(iv) Persevere – keep this process going


Below are some ideas (click the ‘blog’ links).

We also note the 101 ideas for school groups magazine from ‘New Generation’ found HERE is EXCEPTIONAL! (A later magazine is here – but it sometimes gives access and sometimes doesn’t)

We note ‘pray for your school day’ is 28th September. This initiative is from the UK. United youth things for schools in the UK are far ahead of here in NZ. suggest we could follow their lead in a number of areas – as they are tracking well ahead of us in terms of a united youth movement.

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