The future of Christian youth ministry in NZ

Christian youth ministry in NZ is in trouble.


What is below is very simple to read and digest. But what is then needed is proactive effort – by key youth leaders – to see Christian youth ministry becoming nationally networked – with clear vision and very simple strategy (vs youthful enthusiasm in a spirit of idealism).

This is for SENIOR youth leaders – who know our context, and can see the reality of the cultural challenges our youth leader (and denominational and youth outreach organisational leaders) are facing.


For our current context – in case it’s not seen:

We’re now at 20% to 30% of the attendance Christian youth ministry had 30 years ago – and all evidence I’m aware of says we’re STILL declining, as much as I hate to admit that!
I wish it were different!


A strategic (and ironically Biblical) change we cannot avoid:

I believe the future strength and growth of Christian youth ministry in NZ is going to come about as the result of the ‘marrying together’ of
(a) what denominational orgnisations offer –
(b) with what national youth outreach organisations offer
(c) with the intentional UNITY of youth leaders within each city/town.


We have lost ‘critical mass’ for momentum.
…And this remains true – despite some great youth ministries that are growing.



God wants a UNITED Church – within every city and town!
(This much is Biblical.)
It follows that other organisations (whether denominational or outreach) serve that ‘united body’!
(This is our position and function)


(1) Youth leaders UNITED in each place
(2) With denominational organisations…
(3)…and national Christian youth outreach organisations also UNITE
to work AS ONE TEAM

We only do things together that we could not do apart.
(There is nothing wrong remaining independent wherever we can do a thing well).

Any thoughts?

Does anyone agree – or disagree?


In application:

Some who are in national Christian youth leadership positions are now discussing this matter. A likely ongoing gathering of youth leaders in national positions will be facilitated early in 2025 to define clear goals, with clear boundaries, enabling FREEDOM for all – with with NETWORKING and COLLABORATION that could enable AN INCREASED MOMENTUM TOGETHER.

Please pray.

And freely be in touch. (No one person or group can own this. But it does have name: It is called ‘God’s Church’!)