A 45min podcast that you’ll hopefully find INSPIRATIONAL!

  • How could we lose less young adults? 
  • Why are we losing them?
  • How could we lose less ‘tweens’ at ages 12 to 13 – which is the second largest area of loss from our churches??
  • How could we build healthier discipleship structures for our youth and young adults – to keep them?


Hear this 45min podcast / interview by Nic Blackie, with Dave Mann.

Nic’s podcast is called ‘The Garrison’. If you’re looking for inspiration, subscribe!!!

Three options:

  • https://youtu.be/LGIarIlAxSE
  • https://open.spotify.com/episode/5iqBp8ILD4R30yB2vi0lxj?si=aea531fd45664603
  • https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/ep-15-are-youth-and-young-adults-rejecting/id1685572673?i=1000621311577