God-talk is an initiative of the Shining Lights Trust (SLT). The SLT is a registered Charitable Trust in New Zealand (CC48320)
• Donations are therefore tax-deductable (Godtalk.nz/donate)
The vision comes from an analysis of church youth ministry in NZ, involving input from 500 pastors, and conversation with the leaders of various youth organisations and youth denominational leaders. The resources have been created by a team of current and past youth leaders.
The primary innovator has been Dave Mann (021 261 7719), though others have made notable contributions along the way, notably including Luke Collis and Raki Wiringi.
Contact details
252 Otumoetai Rd, Otumoetai, Tauranga, New Zealand 3110 | Leave a message at 07 576 9083 | Eml: team@godtalk.nz or accounts@shininglights.co.nz
The Shining Lights Trust website can be viewed at ShiningLights.co.nz
Involvement with NZ church youth ministries is declining significantly in New Zealand – yet 90% of those who come to faith in Christ do so before the age of 20. We believe there is a clear and compelling need for a new youth initiative and movement in New Zealand. There is concurrently a need for our nation’s story to be told and known, as this is an amazing nation – and this is a result of our values, which come significantly from the Christian faith within our national heritage.
CASE STUDY: In a community with a High School between of 900 to 1000 students, 180 were in a youth group 25 years ago, 80 were 15 years ago, and less than 35 are today. If we multiply this by 15 cities and 100+ towns, it paints a picture.
Godtalk.nz is about a vision: Youth equipped to bring hope to youth. To support this vision we provide ‘equipping’ videos, youth ‘leadership training’ and ‘school group’ resources – all geared to helping local church youth ministries have a healthy and practical outreaching focus.videos
Some people say the Church shouldn’t be too results oriented. We are definitely results oriented: Young people need hope; we are here to see youth with faith and hope sharing that hope – because real hope changes lives!

If youth leaders don’ know how to build an authentic outreaching culture in their group – now they do!
A series of concise youth leadership-training videos are provided for free – which they can show to their leadership team, so they learn together – while raising up new leaders! (The videos are SUPURB!)

As Christian school groups struggled, support for them nationally was dropped. Godtalk proposes reviving that support. Youth leaders can work together to encourage vision. Godtalk.nz/schools can provide a framework for action – and simple training, so youth can be freed to stand tall in their faith, while bringing hope to those around them – in this world that is so desperately in need of hope!
Will you help this to happen?
Staffing to encourage youth leaders and regional reps, travel and media development all require funding. Financial contributions are needed. See AllTogether.co.nz/donate
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